Billing Service

ホーム > お問合せ > よくあるご質問 > 内容参照
件名 Is there a limit to the number of contracts I can apply for "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?

The limit for "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)" is up to 1,000 charges and up to 100,000 lines.

When you use "Ikkatsu Seikyu Service (single billing service)" of the communications company, the "Ikkatsu Seikyu Service" will be counted as one charge.

When you use Web Billing as well as "Omatome Seikyu Service," Web Billing is available for lines up to 999 lines.

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ What are the advantages of using "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?
When can I start using "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?
Which communications companies are capable of "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?