Billing Service

ホーム > お問合せ > よくあるご質問 > 内容参照
件名 I want to know how much I have to pay for this month.

After starting "Web Billing," you can check the billing amount online at any time.

You can check the billing breakdowns for the past four months and the billing amount for the past 15 months.

And if you have a paper bill payment method with "Web Billing," you can pay by credit card or "Pay-easy" on "Web Billing."

*Click "here" for the details and application for "Web Billing."

*Click "here" for the contact desk to inquire the payment amount by phone or form.

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ Where can I pay the bills for the communications fees issued by NTT FINANCE?
I got a letter from NTT FINANCE saying "request for payment (notice of service suspension)." Where can I pay with this notice?
Can I pay the fees for NTT EAST, NTT WEST, and NTT Communications at a docomo shop?