Billing Service

ホーム > お問合せ > よくあるご質問 > 内容参照
件名 There is a bill from a collection agency. How can I know its contact number?

You can check the billing company name of the collection agency on the "billing breakdowns" (for Web Billing users, [詳細内訳 (the detailed breakdowns)] on the screen) included in the bills.

For the contact number of the collection agency, please contact NTT FINANCE User Support Center "0800-555-05-50 (toll-free)."

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ On the bill (notification of bank account deduction etc.) from NTT FINANCE, it says "kouji ryokin (construction fee/installation fee)." Where can I contact to get the details about this?
I received a paper bill because the second deduction failed. How can I pay with this bill?
What is the 10-digit number starting from "00" or "01" printed on paper bills (notification of bank account deduction, etc.) as "Okyakusama Denwa Bango tou (or customer billing number)"?