Billing Service

ホーム > お問合せ > よくあるご質問 > 内容参照
件名 Until when can we confirm online after cancelling "Web Billing"?

As for the line you cancelled from "Web Billing," you will not be able to use "Web Billing" right after the completion of cancellation procedures.

If you registered multiple lines with "Web Billing" by the same login ID/password, "Web Billing" service will still be available for other lines except the cancelled ones.

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ If I want to check all lines applied for "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)" on "Web Billing," does the contract holder for the sub-line also have to apply for the "Omatome Seikyu Service"?
If I change (transfer) the contract holder's name for the registered line with "Web Billing," what happens to "Web Billing"?
How can I add the lines for "Web Billing"?