Billing Service

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件名 How many lines at maximum can I apply for "Web Billing"?

The limit for the number of lines to register with "Web Billing" is up to 200 lines.

With just one login, you can check the charges and breakdowns per line.

If you are in use of "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)," you can check the total amount, detailed charges and breakdowns for each line (per phone number) by registering the main line of "Omatome Seikyu Service."

However, the number of lines that "Web Billing" can display is up to 1,000 lines.

We suggest checking "Web Billing" from PC in case that smart phones or mobile phones can't display more than 500 lines at one time.

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ I'm using online billing service (@Billing, My Billing, OCN my page, My docomo) of each communications company. Can I still use these websites after applying for "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?
How can I add the lines for "Web Billing"?
Can I apply my sub-line of "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)" for "Web Billing"?