Billing Service

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件名 How can I pay my fees at a docomo shop?

If you want to pay the services other than NTT docomo (NTT EAST, NTT WEST, NTT Communications), you need to bring the paper bill to a docomo shop.

If you want to pay NTT docomo services, you will be able to pay at a docomo store without bringing the paper bill.

カテゴリ よくあるご質問 > FAQ for foreigners > FAQ English
関連FAQ Can I pay the fees for NTT EAST, NTT WEST, and NTT Communications at a docomo shop?
各通信サービス会社のweb閲覧サービス(@ビリング、Myビリング、OCNマイページ、My docomo)を利用していますが、「おまとめ請求」を申し込んでも引き続き利用できますか?
Can I use "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)" even if I'm using NTT docomo's 2 in 1 service?