Please input the 10-digit number starting from "0," "6," "7," "8" for OCN number of NTT Communications. You can find the number written on your bills as "お客様電話番号等 (customer's phone numbers)" or on your "ご請求番号 (billing number)" of "ご請求額お知らせメール (billing amount notification email)" that is sent by NTT Communications monthly.
Please input the 10 digits number starting from "00" for FLET'S number of NTT EAST or NTT WEST.
The number is written in the section of "お客様ご請求番号 (customer billing number)" on the bill or on the "フレッツの開通のご案内 (starting guide for FLET'S)." For further details, please contact NTT EAST or NTT WEST.
Click "here" for the contact desks.