Billing Service

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FAQ English
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Q.I checked the payment details on "@Billing" and "My Billing" but it doesn't show the amount which is billed by the collection agency. Why?
Q.I'm using online billing service (@Billing, My Billing, OCN my page, My docomo) of each communications company. Can I still use these websites after applying for "Omatome Seikyu Service (combined billing method)"?
Q.There is a bill from a collection agency. How can I know its contact number?
Q.On the bill (notification of bank account deduction etc.) from NTT FINANCE, it says "kouji ryokin (construction fee/installation fee)." Where can I contact to get the details about this?
Q.I want to know how much I have to pay for this month.
Q.When I want to cancel an optional service, suspend the line, cancel the contract, or change the contract holder, where should I contact?
Q.When am I going to get the last bill for my contract after cancellation?
Q.I want to know what the bill is saying because I don’t understand.
Q.What is the oldest call history that I can check?
Q.The payment only for this month was high so I want to check my call history and the detailed charges. What should I do?

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