Billing Service

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FAQ English
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Q.Is there a way to easily check my call history and detailed charges?
Q.My bill is overdue, can I still pay it?
Q.I got a letter from NTT FINANCE saying "request for payment (notice of service suspension)." Where can I pay with this notice?
Q.I got a notice saying that the second deduction failed. When is my internet going to be suspended?
Q.I received a paper bill because the second deduction failed. How can I pay with this bill?
Q.Do I ever get a notification regarding second deduction?
Q.I don't want to have my fees deducted from my bank account this month.
Q.I lost my bills. What can I do?
Q.How can I pay my fees at a docomo shop?
Q.Can I pay the fees for NTT EAST, NTT WEST, and NTT Communications at a docomo shop?

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