Billing Service

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よくあるご質問 検索
※スペースで区切って複数の単語で検索ができます ビリングサービス(通信サービス等料金の請求・収納業務)について  料金全般  「おまとめ請求」について  「Webビリング」について  回収代行サービス(電話料金合算 等)  「料金支払証明書」等について  事業会社サービス  FAQ for foreigners   
FAQ English
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Q.I'm going to move. What is the procedure for my phone service?
Q.I want to cancel the "remote support service."
Q.I received the bill for my old number. What is this?
Q.What should I do if I don't need the "notification of bank account deduction"?
Q.Please send me the "billing breakdowns" or the "notification of bank account deduction" every month.
Q.What does tax classification mean in the billing?
Q.How can I change the billing address (receiver's name)?
Q.Where can I make the payment when it is 60 days overdue?
Q.Where is "your designated convenience store"?
Q.Can I use "Web Billing" from NTT EAST "@Billing" or NTT West "My Billing"?

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